Class Matrix

  • public class Matrix
    extends java.lang.Object
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      double[][] matrix
      Holds the values of the matrix
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      Default constructor
      Matrix​(double[][] matrix)
      Create a Matrix object from a 2D array.
      Matrix​(int rows, int columns)
      Create a Matrix object with the given number of rows and columns.
      Matrix​(int rows, int columns, double value)
      Create a Matrix object with the given number of rows and columns and set all spots to the given value.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      Matrix augment()
      Return an augmented matrix, which is the matrix concatenated to the identity matrix.
      int getColumnCount()
      Get how many columns.
      double[][] getMatrix()
      Get the matrix array.
      int getRowCount()
      Get how many rows.
      double getValueAt​(int row, int column)
      Get the specific value at the given row and column.
      Matrix invert()
      Inverts a matrix.
      Matrix linearCombRows​(double scalar, int sourceRow, int destRow)
      Adds a scalar multiple of the first row to the second row.
      Matrix plus​(Matrix matrix)
      Add matrices and return the sum.
      Matrix rowReduce()
      Row reduces a matrix.
      double[] scalarTimesRow​(double scalar, int row)
      Multiplies a scalar times a row.
      void setEntry​(int row, int column, double value)
      Set a specific value at the given row and column.
      Matrix switchRows​(int firstrow, int secondrow)
      Switch two rows of a matrix.
      Matrix times​(Matrix matrix)
      Multiply this matrix to the given matrix and return the product.
      java.lang.String toString()
      Composes a string representation of the matrix
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail

      • matrix

        private double[][] matrix
        Holds the values of the matrix
    • Constructor Detail

      • Matrix

        public Matrix()
        Default constructor
      • Matrix

        public Matrix​(double[][] matrix)
        Create a Matrix object from a 2D array.
        matrix - a 2D array of doubles
      • Matrix

        public Matrix​(int rows,
                      int columns)
        Create a Matrix object with the given number of rows and columns. It will automatically initialize with all zeros.
        rows - number of rows
        columns - number of columns
      • Matrix

        public Matrix​(int rows,
                      int columns,
                      double value)
        Create a Matrix object with the given number of rows and columns and set all spots to the given value.
        rows -
        columns -
        value -
    • Method Detail

      • getMatrix

        public double[][] getMatrix()
        Get the matrix array.
        a 2D double array
      • getRowCount

        public int getRowCount()
        Get how many rows.
      • getColumnCount

        public int getColumnCount()
        Get how many columns.
      • getValueAt

        public double getValueAt​(int row,
                                 int column)
        Get the specific value at the given row and column.
        row -
        column -
      • setEntry

        public void setEntry​(int row,
                             int column,
                             double value)
        Set a specific value at the given row and column.
        row -
        column -
        value -
      • plus

        public Matrix plus​(Matrix matrix)
        Add matrices and return the sum. Does not change this matrix.
        matrix - Matrix to add
        The sum of this matrix and the given matrix.
      • scalarTimesRow

        public double[] scalarTimesRow​(double scalar,
                                       int row)
        Multiplies a scalar times a row. For example, trixie.scalarTimesRow(2.0,3) multiplies row three of trixie by two.
        scalar - The value to multiply by
        row - Row number to change
        An array/row of the products.
      • times

        public Matrix times​(Matrix matrix)
        Multiply this matrix to the given matrix and return the product. (Does not change this matrix.)
        matrix -
        a Matrix
      • switchRows

        public Matrix switchRows​(int firstrow,
                                 int secondrow)
        Switch two rows of a matrix. For example, trixie.switchRows(3,5) exchanges rows three and five of the matrix trixie.
        firstrow -
        secondrow -
        The switched matrix.
      • linearCombRows

        public Matrix linearCombRows​(double scalar,
                                     int sourceRow,
                                     int destRow)
        Adds a scalar multiple of the first row to the second row. For example, trixie.linearCombRows(.5,3,2) adds .5 times row three to row two.
        scalar -
        sourceRow -
        destRow -
        The new matrix.
      • rowReduce

        public Matrix rowReduce()
        Row reduces a matrix. For example, trixie.rowreduce() should return the row reduction of trixie. rowreduce should work for all matrices.
        The reduced matrix
      • augment

        public Matrix augment()
        Return an augmented matrix, which is the matrix concatenated to the identity matrix. E.g. 1 0 1 0 0 1 2 1 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 1 The augmented form is: 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
      • invert

        public Matrix invert()
        Inverts a matrix. For example, trixie.invert() should return the inverse matrix of trixie. invert should work for square matrices which are invertible.
        The inverted matrix
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        Composes a string representation of the matrix
        toString in class java.lang.Object
        A string of the rows x columms.