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addTangent() - Method in class org.dalton.polyfun.Polynomial
Adds the Polynomial p(x) = mx + b to a Polynomial
append(Atom) - Method in class org.dalton.polyfun.Term
Inserts new Atom at the end of Term
Atom - Class in org.dalton.polyfun
An Atom is a letter, a subscript, and a power which represents the basic part of the coefficient of a polynomial.
Atom() - Constructor for class org.dalton.polyfun.Atom
Default constructor.
Atom(char) - Constructor for class org.dalton.polyfun.Atom
Create an atom with just a letter.
Atom(char, int, int) - Constructor for class org.dalton.polyfun.Atom
Construct a letter, subscript, power.


Coef - Class in org.dalton.polyfun
An array of Terms.
Coef() - Constructor for class org.dalton.polyfun.Coef
Default constructor.
Coef(char) - Constructor for class org.dalton.polyfun.Coef
Construct a Coef with just one letter (no numerical coefficient or exponent).
Coef(double) - Constructor for class org.dalton.polyfun.Coef
Construct a Coef with just a constant.
Coef(Atom) - Constructor for class org.dalton.polyfun.Coef
Construct a Coef with just 1 Atom.
Coef(Term) - Constructor for class org.dalton.polyfun.Coef
Construct a Coef with just 1 term.
Coef(Term[]) - Constructor for class org.dalton.polyfun.Coef
Constructor that takes an array of Terms and copies the values into the terms array.
compareTo(Atom) - Method in class org.dalton.polyfun.Atom
compareTo(Term) - Method in class org.dalton.polyfun.Term
Used for Arrays.sort.


equals(Atom) - Method in class org.dalton.polyfun.Atom
Checks equality between Atoms.
equals(Term) - Method in class org.dalton.polyfun.Term
Check equality between two Terms.
evaluate(double) - Method in class org.dalton.polyfun.Polynomial
Think of this method as plugging in a numeric value into a polynomial function.
evaluate(Coef) - Method in class org.dalton.polyfun.Polynomial
Think of this method as plugging in a variable into a polynomial function.


getAtoms() - Method in class org.dalton.polyfun.Term
Get the array of Atoms
getCoefAt(int) - Method in class org.dalton.polyfun.Polynomial
Retrieve a specific coefficient by specifying the x which corresponds with that Coef.
getCoefficient(int) - Method in class org.dalton.polyfun.Polynomial
getCoefficients() - Method in class org.dalton.polyfun.Polynomial
getCoefs() - Method in class org.dalton.polyfun.Polynomial
Get the Coef array.
getDegree() - Method in class org.dalton.polyfun.Polynomial
Gets the degree of the Polynomial.
getLetter() - Method in class org.dalton.polyfun.Atom
Get letter
getNumericalCoefficient() - Method in class org.dalton.polyfun.Term
Get the numerical coefficient.
getPower() - Method in class org.dalton.polyfun.Atom
Get power
getSubscript() - Method in class org.dalton.polyfun.Atom
Get subscript
getTermAtoms() - Method in class org.dalton.polyfun.Term
use getAtoms() ()} instead.
getTermDouble() - Method in class org.dalton.polyfun.Term
use getNumericalCoefficient() ()} instead.
getTerms() - Method in class org.dalton.polyfun.Coef
Get terms array.


identicalTo(Atom) - Method in class org.dalton.polyfun.Atom
Use Atom.equals(Atom) instead.
identicalTo(Term) - Method in class org.dalton.polyfun.Term
use equals(Term) instead.
insert(Atom) - Method in class org.dalton.polyfun.Term
Places a new Atom in the array of Atoms that make up the term.
insert(Term) - Method in class org.dalton.polyfun.Coef
Inserts given Term in a convenient order or combines it with a like another like Term
isConstantCoef() - Method in class org.dalton.polyfun.Coef
True if Coef consists only of a double, false otherwise.
isConstantTerm() - Method in class org.dalton.polyfun.Term
Checks if this is a constant term, i.e.
isDouble() - Method in class org.dalton.polyfun.Coef
isDouble() - Method in class org.dalton.polyfun.Term
use isConstantTerm() instead.
isLessThan(Atom) - Method in class org.dalton.polyfun.Atom
Compares two atoms by letter and subscript only.
isLessThanOrEquals(Atom) - Method in class org.dalton.polyfun.Atom
Defines a way of comparing two atoms.
isLike(Atom) - Method in class org.dalton.polyfun.Atom
Test to see if Atoms are "like" (same letter, subscript)
isLike(Term) - Method in class org.dalton.polyfun.Term
Tests to see if two terms have "like" (same letter & subscript) Atoms
isPlottable() - Method in class org.dalton.polyfun.Polynomial
isZero() - Method in class org.dalton.polyfun.Coef
If the Coef is zero, it returns true.
isZero() - Method in class org.dalton.polyfun.Term
Checks to see of the double (and hence the Term) is zero.


lessThan(Atom) - Method in class org.dalton.polyfun.Atom
lessThan(Term) - Method in class org.dalton.polyfun.Term
Use compareTo(Term) instead.
lessThanOrEqual(Atom) - Method in class org.dalton.polyfun.Atom
like(Atom) - Method in class org.dalton.polyfun.Atom
Use Atom.isLike(Atom) instead.
like(Term) - Method in class org.dalton.polyfun.Term
Use isLike(Term) instead.


minus(Polynomial) - Method in class org.dalton.polyfun.Polynomial
Subtracts two GenPolynomials.


of(Polynomial) - Method in class org.dalton.polyfun.Polynomial
Composes two GenPolynomials.
org.dalton.polyfun - package org.dalton.polyfun


paste(Atom) - Method in class org.dalton.polyfun.Term
Creates a new Term with the a new Atom at the front of Term
paste(Term) - Method in class org.dalton.polyfun.Coef
Creates new Coef array with the new Term at the front of the array of Terms.
place(Atom) - Method in class org.dalton.polyfun.Term
Places a new Atom in the array of Atoms that make up the term.
place(Term) - Method in class org.dalton.polyfun.Coef
Creates a new Coef with the Term inserted in a convenient order or combines it with a like another like Term
plus(Coef) - Method in class org.dalton.polyfun.Coef
Add Coefs by combining like Terms and adding unlike Terms
plus(Polynomial) - Method in class org.dalton.polyfun.Polynomial
Add two GenPolynomials by adding the coefficients of the corresponding terms.
Polynomial - Class in org.dalton.polyfun
A Polynomial is a polynomial in X with a certain degree and a set of coefficients.
Polynomial() - Constructor for class org.dalton.polyfun.Polynomial
Default constructor.
Polynomial(char, int) - Constructor for class org.dalton.polyfun.Polynomial
Construct a polynomial with generic coefficients.
Polynomial(double) - Constructor for class org.dalton.polyfun.Polynomial
Constructs a zeroth degree or constant polynomial equal to the constant parameter.
Polynomial(double[]) - Constructor for class org.dalton.polyfun.Polynomial
Constructor where you pass an array of numerical coefficients used to initialize Terms, which creates the Coef array.
Polynomial(double, int) - Constructor for class org.dalton.polyfun.Polynomial
Constructs a polynomial with one term and a specific degree.
Polynomial(int) - Constructor for class org.dalton.polyfun.Polynomial
Construct a Polynomial by setting the degree.
Polynomial(Atom) - Constructor for class org.dalton.polyfun.Polynomial
Constructs a zeroth degree polynomial which consists of an abstract constant.
Polynomial(Atom, int) - Constructor for class org.dalton.polyfun.Polynomial
Constructs a polynomial of a certain degree with only one term whose coefficient is an abstract constant.
Polynomial(Coef) - Constructor for class org.dalton.polyfun.Polynomial
Constructs a zeroth degree polynomial which consists of one Coef.
Polynomial(Coef[]) - Constructor for class org.dalton.polyfun.Polynomial
Construct a Polynomial by specifying an array of Coefs
Polynomial(Coef, int) - Constructor for class org.dalton.polyfun.Polynomial
Constructs a polynomial of a certain degree with only one term whose coefficient is a Coef.
Polynomial(Term) - Constructor for class org.dalton.polyfun.Polynomial
Constructs a zeroth degree polynomial which consists of an abstract constant(s) and a double (i.e.
Polynomial(Term, int) - Constructor for class org.dalton.polyfun.Polynomial
Constructs a polynomial of a certain degree with only one term whose coefficient is an abstract constant(s) and a double (i.e.
pop() - Method in class org.dalton.polyfun.Coef
Remove first Term.
pop() - Method in class org.dalton.polyfun.Term
Remove first Atom and return it.
print() - Method in class org.dalton.polyfun.Atom
Use Atom.toString() instead
print() - Method in class org.dalton.polyfun.Coef
Use Coef.toString() instead.
print() - Method in class org.dalton.polyfun.Polynomial
print() - Method in class org.dalton.polyfun.Term
use toString() instead.
push(Atom) - Method in class org.dalton.polyfun.Term
Inserts new Atom at the front of Term
push(Term) - Method in class org.dalton.polyfun.Coef
Inserts new Term at the front of the array of Terms.


raiseTo(int) - Method in class org.dalton.polyfun.Polynomial
reduce() - Method in class org.dalton.polyfun.Coef
Combines like terms and writes them in order.
reduce() - Method in class org.dalton.polyfun.Term
Orders Atoms and combines like Atoms in the Array of atoms.


setAtom(char, int, int) - Method in class org.dalton.polyfun.Atom
Create an Atom by entering a letter, a subscript, and a power
setAtoms(Atom[]) - Method in class org.dalton.polyfun.Term
Set the array of Atoms.
setCoefficients(double[]) - Method in class org.dalton.polyfun.Polynomial
setCoefficients(Coef[]) - Method in class org.dalton.polyfun.Polynomial
setCoefs(double[]) - Method in class org.dalton.polyfun.Polynomial
Set the Coefs array of the polynomial.
setCoefs(Coef[]) - Method in class org.dalton.polyfun.Polynomial
Set the Coefs array of the polynomial.
setDegree(int) - Method in class org.dalton.polyfun.Polynomial
Sets the degree of the Polynomial.
setLetter(char) - Method in class org.dalton.polyfun.Atom
Set letter.
setNumericalCoefficient(double) - Method in class org.dalton.polyfun.Term
Set the numericalCoefficient.
setPower(int) - Method in class org.dalton.polyfun.Atom
Set power.
setSubscript(int) - Method in class org.dalton.polyfun.Atom
Set subscript.
setTerm(double, Atom[]) - Method in class org.dalton.polyfun.Term
use Term(double, Atom[]) ()} instead.
setTerm(Atom[]) - Method in class org.dalton.polyfun.Term
use setAtoms(Atom[]) ()} instead.
setTermDouble(double) - Method in class org.dalton.polyfun.Term
setTerms(Term) - Method in class org.dalton.polyfun.Coef
Set terms array with this term as the only element
setTerms(Term[]) - Method in class org.dalton.polyfun.Coef
Set terms array.
simplify() - Method in class org.dalton.polyfun.Coef
Combines like terms and writes them in order.
simplify() - Method in class org.dalton.polyfun.Term
Orders Atoms and combines like Atoms in the Array of atoms.
snip() - Method in class org.dalton.polyfun.Coef
Create new Ceof array with the first Term removed.
snip() - Method in class org.dalton.polyfun.Term
Make a new Term with the first Atom removed.


Term - Class in org.dalton.polyfun
An array of Atoms and a number.
Term() - Constructor for class org.dalton.polyfun.Term
Default constructor.
Term(char) - Constructor for class org.dalton.polyfun.Term
Constructor sets numericalCoefficient to 1 and initializes atoms as an array of length 1.
Term(double) - Constructor for class org.dalton.polyfun.Term
Construct a constant term.
Term(double, Atom[]) - Constructor for class org.dalton.polyfun.Term
Construct a Term with a new number and an array of Atoms.
Term(Atom) - Constructor for class org.dalton.polyfun.Term
Construct a Term that consists of one Atom.
times(double) - Method in class org.dalton.polyfun.Coef
Multiplies each Term in the Coef by a scalar (double)
times(double) - Method in class org.dalton.polyfun.Polynomial
Multiply a polynomial by a scalar by multiplying all the Coefs by the scalar.
times(double) - Method in class org.dalton.polyfun.Term
Multiply Term by a scalar value.
times(Coef) - Method in class org.dalton.polyfun.Coef
Multiply a Coefficient by another Coefficient.
times(Coef) - Method in class org.dalton.polyfun.Polynomial
Multiply a polynomial by a Coef by multiplying all the Coefs by the Coef.
times(Polynomial) - Method in class org.dalton.polyfun.Polynomial
Multiply a polynomial by a polynomial.
times(Term) - Method in class org.dalton.polyfun.Term
Multiply Term by another Term.
timesLikeAtom(Atom) - Method in class org.dalton.polyfun.Atom
Multiply two atoms which have the same letter and subscript.
to(int) - Method in class org.dalton.polyfun.Polynomial
Raise to a power.
toString() - Method in class org.dalton.polyfun.Atom
Returns a printable string of the Atom.
toString() - Method in class org.dalton.polyfun.Coef
Compose a printable string of the Coef.
toString() - Method in class org.dalton.polyfun.Polynomial
Returns a printable string.
toString() - Method in class org.dalton.polyfun.Term
Composes a printable string of this term.
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