Package org.opensourcephysics.display2d

Class GridPointData

    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      protected double bottom  
      protected boolean cellData  
      protected double[][][] data  
      protected double dx  
      protected double dy  
      protected double left  
      protected java.lang.String[] names  
      protected double right  
      protected double top  
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      GridPointData​(int ix, int iy, int ncomponents)
      Constructor Data2D
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      GridPointData createGridPointData​(int ncomponents)
      Creates a new GridPointData object with the same grid points and the given number of components.
      double getBottom​()
      Gets the y value for the last row of the grid.
      int getComponentCount​()
      Gets the number of data components.
      java.lang.String getComponentName​(int i)
      Gets the name of the component,
      double[][][] getData​()
      Gets the array containing the data.
      double getDx​()
      Gets the change in x between grid columns.
      double getDy​()
      Gets the change in y between grid rows.
      double getLeft​()
      Gets the x value for the first column in the grid.
      static XML.ObjectLoader getLoader​()
      Returns the XML.ObjectLoader for this class.
      int getNx​()
      Gets the number of x entries.
      int getNy​()
      Gets the number of y entries.
      double getRight​()
      Gets the x value for the right column in the grid.
      double getTop​()
      Gets the y value for the first row of the grid.
      double getValue​(int ix, int iy, int component)
      Gets the value of the given component at the given location.
      double[] getVertex​(double x, double y)
      Gets the vertex closest to the specified location
      double[] getZRange​(int n)
      Gets the minimum and maximum values of the n-th component.
      double indexToX​(int i)
      Gets the x coordinate for the given index.
      double indexToY​(int i)
      Gets the y coordinate for the given index.
      double interpolate​(double x, double y, int index)
      Estimates the value of a component at an untabulated point, (x,y).
      double[] interpolate​(double x, double y, int[] indexes, double[] values)
      Estimates multiple sample components at an untabulated point, (x,y).
      boolean isCellData​()
      Gets the cellData flag.
      void setCellScale​(double _left, double _right, double _bottom, double _top)
      Sets the left, right, bottom, and top of the grid data using a cell model.
      void setCenteredCellScale​(double xmin, double xmax, double ymin, double ymax)
      Sets the grid such that the centers of the corner cells match the given coordinates.
      void setComponentName​(int i, java.lang.String name)
      Sets the name of the component.
      void setData​(double[][][] newdata)
      Sets the array containing the data.
      void setScale​(double _left, double _right, double _bottom, double _top)
      Sets the left, right, bottom, and top of the grid data using a lattice model.
      void setValue​(int ix, int iy, int component, double value)
      Sets the value of the given component at the given location.
      int xToIndex​(double x)
      Gets closest index from the given x world coordinate.
      int yToIndex​(double y)
      Gets closest index from the given y world coordinate.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail

      • data

        protected double[][][] data
      • left

        protected double left
      • right

        protected double right
      • bottom

        protected double bottom
      • top

        protected double top
      • dx

        protected double dx
      • dy

        protected double dy
      • cellData

        protected boolean cellData
      • names

        protected java.lang.String[] names
    • Constructor Detail

      • GridPointData

        public GridPointData​(int ix,
                             int iy,
                             int ncomponents)
        Constructor Data2D
        ix -
        iy -
        ncomponents -
    • Method Detail

      • createGridPointData

        public GridPointData createGridPointData​(int ncomponents)
        Creates a new GridPointData object with the same grid points and the given number of components.
        ncomponents - number of samples dataset.
        the newly created Data2D
      • setComponentName

        public void setComponentName​(int i,
                                     java.lang.String name)
        Sets the name of the component.
        Specified by:
        setComponentName in interface GridData
        i - int the component index
        name - String
      • getComponentName

        public java.lang.String getComponentName​(int i)
        Gets the name of the component,
        Specified by:
        getComponentName in interface GridData
        i - int the component index
        String the name
      • getComponentCount

        public int getComponentCount​()
        Gets the number of data components.
        Specified by:
        getComponentCount in interface GridData
      • setScale

        public void setScale​(double _left,
                             double _right,
                             double _bottom,
                             double _top)
        Sets the left, right, bottom, and top of the grid data using a lattice model.
        Specified by:
        setScale in interface GridData
        _left -
        _right -
        _bottom -
        _top -
      • setCellScale

        public void setCellScale​(double _left,
                                 double _right,
                                 double _bottom,
                                 double _top)
        Sets the left, right, bottom, and top of the grid data using a cell model. Coordinates are centered on each cell and will NOT include the edges.
        Specified by:
        setCellScale in interface GridData
        _left -
        _right -
        _bottom -
        _top -
      • setCenteredCellScale

        public void setCenteredCellScale​(double xmin,
                                         double xmax,
                                         double ymin,
                                         double ymax)
        Sets the grid such that the centers of the corner cells match the given coordinates. Coordinates are centered on each cell and the bounds are ouside the max and min values.
        Specified by:
        setCenteredCellScale in interface GridData
        xmin -
        xmax -
        ymin -
        ymax -
      • isCellData

        public boolean isCellData​()
        Gets the cellData flag.
        Specified by:
        isCellData in interface GridData
        true if cell data.
      • getValue

        public double getValue​(int ix,
                               int iy,
                               int component)
        Gets the value of the given component at the given location.
        Specified by:
        getValue in interface GridData
        ix - x index
        iy - y index
        component -
        the value.
      • setValue

        public void setValue​(int ix,
                             int iy,
                             int component,
                             double value)
        Sets the value of the given component at the given location.
        Specified by:
        setValue in interface GridData
        ix - x index
        iy - y index
        component -
        value -
      • getNx

        public int getNx​()
        Gets the number of x entries.
        Specified by:
        getNx in interface GridData
      • getNy

        public int getNy​()
        Gets the number of y entries.
        Specified by:
        getNy in interface GridData
      • getZRange

        public double[] getZRange​(int n)
        Gets the minimum and maximum values of the n-th component.
        Specified by:
        getZRange in interface GridData
        n - the component
      • getVertex

        public double[] getVertex​(double x,
                                  double y)
        Gets the vertex closest to the specified location
        x -
        y -
        vertex array
      • interpolate

        public double interpolate​(double x,
                                  double y,
                                  int index)
        Estimates the value of a component at an untabulated point, (x,y). Interpolate uses bilinear interpolation on the grid. Although the interpolating function is continous across the grid boundaries, the gradient changes discontinuously at the grid square boundaries.
        Specified by:
        interpolate in interface GridData
        x - the untabulated x
        y - the untabulated y
        index - the component index
        the interpolated sample
      • interpolate

        public double[] interpolate​(double x,
                                    double y,
                                    int[] indexes,
                                    double[] values)
        Estimates multiple sample components at an untabulated point, (x,y). Interpolate uses bilinear interpolation on the grid. Although the interpolating function is continous across the grid boundaries, the gradient changes discontinuously at the grid square boundaries.
        Specified by:
        interpolate in interface GridData
        x - untabulated x
        y - untabulated y
        indexes - to be interpolated
        values - array will contain the interpolated values
        the interpolated array
      • getData

        public double[][][] getData​()
        Gets the array containing the data.
        Specified by:
        getData in interface GridData
        the data
      • setData

        public void setData​(double[][][] newdata)
        Sets the array containing the data. Use with caution. This method is included for backward compatibility. Users are responsible for setting the x and y coordinate values. Users are also responsible for synchronization with clients.
      • getLeft

        public final double getLeft​()
        Gets the x value for the first column in the grid.
        Specified by:
        getLeft in interface GridData
        the leftmost x value
      • getRight

        public final double getRight​()
        Gets the x value for the right column in the grid.
        Specified by:
        getRight in interface GridData
        the rightmost x value
      • getTop

        public final double getTop​()
        Gets the y value for the first row of the grid.
        Specified by:
        getTop in interface GridData
        the topmost y value
      • getBottom

        public final double getBottom​()
        Gets the y value for the last row of the grid.
        Specified by:
        getBottom in interface GridData
        the bottommost y value
      • getDx

        public final double getDx​()
        Gets the change in x between grid columns.
        Specified by:
        getDx in interface GridData
        the bottommost y value
      • getDy

        public final double getDy​()
        Gets the change in y between grid rows.
        Specified by:
        getDy in interface GridData
        the bottommost y value
      • indexToX

        public double indexToX​(int i)
        Gets the x coordinate for the given index.
        Specified by:
        indexToX in interface GridData
        i - int
        double the x coordinate
      • indexToY

        public double indexToY​(int i)
        Gets the y coordinate for the given index.
        Specified by:
        indexToY in interface GridData
        i - int
        double the y coordinate
      • xToIndex

        public int xToIndex​(double x)
        Gets closest index from the given x world coordinate.
        Specified by:
        xToIndex in interface GridData
        x - double the coordinate
        int the index
      • yToIndex

        public int yToIndex​(double y)
        Gets closest index from the given y world coordinate.
        Specified by:
        yToIndex in interface GridData
        y - double the coordinate
        int the index
      • getLoader

        public static XML.ObjectLoader getLoader​()
        Returns the XML.ObjectLoader for this class.
        the object loader